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Please reach out to your friends and neighbors to talk about the proposed cell towers in our neighborhood. You should also contact our Township officials to voice your concerns:
Warren Township Committee
Carolann Garafola
(908) 647-6538
Deputy Mayor
Vic Sordillo
(908) 500-4932
Committee Person
Gary DiNardo
(908) 647-3409
Committee Person
George Lazo
(732) 609-1788
Committee Person
Mick Marion
(908) 581-0885
For more information about the specific plans contact the Zoning Office
Warren Zoning Office
Zoning Officer
John Chadwick
(908) 753-8000 Ex 243
Enforcement Officer
Mike Mullin
(908) 753-8000 Ex 247
Land Use Coordinator
Mary Ellen Vautin
(908) 753-8000 Ex 243
Secretary to the Land Use Coordinator
Katharine Bono
(908) 753-8000 Ex 244
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Foster Cooper
Vice Chairperson
John Villani
Mr. George Dealaman
Mr. Richard Hewson
Mr. Fernando Castanheira
Mr. Frank Rica
Mr. Donald Huber
Mr. Scott Bowen, Alt. #1
Mr. Clerio Martins, Alt. #2
Steve Warner, Esq.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment consists of seven regular members (with four terms) and two alternate members (with two year terms) appointed by the Township Committee. Alternate members may take part in all discussions. However, only seven votes can be taken on any application. An Attorney, appointed by the Board by contract, attends all meetings to answer legal questions along with a Professional Planner or Zoning Officer who is appointed by the Board to explain planning and zoning issues.
The Board elects its Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary from its members annually at its reorganization meeting. This is a quasi-judicial body. No member may hold any elective office within the Municipality. The Board’s purpose is to provide relief from zoning requirements which cannot be satisfied. The requests for relief are not based upon policy, but rather upon the ability of an applicant to prove his or her case. The Zoning Board must make decisions much as a judge does in Court.